GREASE is the Word! Charity Event

2013 September 20

Created by Julia 9 years ago
In October 2012 my friend Jo and I held an event at a little cinema which holds 50 people. It is a cute cinema in the old town of Hastings, it has a bar and you can hire it to show a film of your choice and invite family and friends to watch it, a bit like being in your front room only bigger! Jo though Grease would be a great film to put on as it would be fun for all ages! It was a fancy dress event as well so we had great fun dressing up as Danny, Sandy or the Pink Ladies! Tickets included free ice cream and popcorn and Jo and I had made trays with torches, like the usherettes at the cinemas in days gone by! We handed out the refreshments and everyone laughed when they saw us as they didn't expect us to do this. At the end of the afternoon we had a raffle which went very well and there were some great prizes! Afterwards, those who wanted to went out to eat and enjoy the rest of the evening. It was great fun and all enjoyed it! We raised over £500 and had fun doing it! Another one of these might be happening in the future, different film of course! Thank you to all those who attended and supported us! Love Jo and Julia