Auntie Laura's Skydive

2013 May 16

Created by Julia 9 years ago
Auntie Laura risked life and limb to do a tandem skydive for George's Tribute fund/Meningitis Trust! After two earlier attempts that were thwarted by the good old English weather, she finally did it on the 7th April 2013! It was a fantastic day and the weather was perfect and we went to Headcorn with Tony's sister and brother-in-law, Hilary and Andrew and our niece, Joanna. The jump went perfectly and Laura thoroughly enjoyed it, is she mad? She said the best bit was the free fall. We had a DVD done and photos so that in years to come Laura can look at them and remember what a great achievement she did. Well done Laura!!!!!!!!!!! Love Mum and Dad and Alice, we are very proud of you!